
Ways to allocate capital. Cleverly.

Feature image for Investing for good: How to invest ethically

Ethical investing can help you create a portfolio of investments you believe in.

Kelly Simpson

4 min read

Feature image for Investing for beginners: 5 ways to turn your daily habits into investment boosts

You could boost your balance by hundreds without even noticing.

Kelly Simpson

6 min read

Feature image for What is an ETF?

ETFs offer a way to invest in the performance of a group or index of underlying assets, which could include shares, commodities, or bonds.


3 min read

Feature image for What is micro-investing – and should you do it?

It can help you build your investing routine.


3 min read

Feature image for What should you do in a market correction?

It can be hard to know what to do when the market is falling.

Kelly Simpson

5 min read

Feature image for Should you invest in stocks, managed funds, or ETFs?

What are your options when it comes to investing?


6 min read

Feature image for Dollar-cost averaging vs. lump-sum investing

What should you do with a big chunk of money?

Kelly Simpson

5 min read

Feature image for Is investing just another form of gambling?

Just how different is the Spaceship Voyager app from your mate’s sports betting app?

Feature image for Spaceship exclusive: Spaceship Voyager Annual Letter

Sharing the opportunities and challenges of 2025, and looking back on 2024.

Jason Sedawie

7 min read

Invest in your future, so you can live the life you want to live

Get started in five minutes.