Liv Steigrad

Liv Steigrad is a creative copywriter with a background in psychology. She specialises in cheeky web copy, and can drink an espresso and go straight to sleep.


Feature image for 7 financial habits to help make you smarter with your money

Habits that might help increase your financial smarts.

Liv Steigrad

3 min read

Feature image for Making SMART goals work for your finances

It's time to get SMART about your finances. Let us show you how!

Liv Steigrad

2 min read

Feature image for How much should I spend on rent?

Such a simple question, right? But not such a simple answer.

Liv Steigrad

3 min read

Feature image for Buy and hold: A passive investing strategy

Don’t get caught up in the details and miss the trend.

Liv Steigrad

3 min read

Feature image for Your three step plan to eliminate money anxiety

Anxious about money? You’re not alone. What can you do about it?

Liv Steigrad

3 min read

Feature image for 9 ways to invest your money

There are many ways to invest, some of which you may not know about.

Liv Steigrad

3 min read

Invest in your future, so you can live the life you want to live

Get started in five minutes.