Lachlan Brown


Feature image for Investing myths which should probably be ignored

Much like the fables and folklore Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman would put to the test every week on Mythbusters, the world of financial investments has its own myths.

Lachlan Brown

3 min read

Feature image for What is an algorithm? An explainer

Very likely you’ve taken part in your very own algorithm.

Lachlan Brown

3 min read

Feature image for How to build a financial plan

Consider Spaceship your very own A-team.

Lachlan Brown

4 min read

Feature image for Are you being nudged?

A nudge is any small feature in the environment that attracts our attention and influences the behaviour that we make.

Lachlan Brown

4 min read

Feature image for What is an IPO?

It's the process of bringing a company from private shareholders to public, where shares are traded on the open market.

Lachlan Brown

3 min read

Feature image for What is capital gains tax?

You must pay tax on any money you make off an investment. But there are different methods.

Lachlan Brown

3 min read

Invest in your future, so you can live the life you want to live

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