Kelly Simpson

Kelly Simpson is Content Marketing Lead at Spaceship. She loves words, music, football (soccer), and the market.


Feature image for Real Money Talk: Yen

Yen’s saving money so she can move overseas.

Kelly Simpson

4 min read

Feature image for What should you do in a market correction?

It can be hard to know what to do when the market is falling.

Kelly Simpson

5 min read

Feature image for How to get paid just for being alive

Keep your bank account growing even on your rest days. 

Kelly Simpson

5 min read

Feature image for Real Money Talk: Mike

Mike’s a 43-year-old who bought Meta shares early. He regrets selling when he did. 

Kelly Simpson

5 min read

Feature image for Dollar-cost averaging vs. lump-sum investing

What should you do with a big chunk of money?

Kelly Simpson

5 min read

Invest in your future, so you can live the life you want to live

Get started in five minutes.